Black Shakespeare Project was founded on a mission to address the insufficiency of space held by and for Black bodies and voices in classical training, education, and performance. Black Shakespeare Project seeks to cultivate safe, open, and strongly held spaces for Black folk across the diaspora to explore and embody Shakespeare’s poetry. With this language at the heart of our legacy, we viscerally experience both the classical and the contemporary, unearthing the living truths within the conditioning of our humanity.
In order to continue breathing life into this project, we need YOU.
When you make a tax-deductible donation to Black Shakespeare Project, you help us to pay for space to play and explore. You help us to provide materials for teaching artists and participants. Very importantly, you help us to uphold our standard of paying artists for the individual knowledge and talents that they bring to this space.
Your donation helps us to create accessible space for Black folk of all kinds. What We know is that when there is time and space for Black folk to explore and discourse freely as it relates to our experiences, there is magic.