Christian McEwen is a writer, educator and cultural activist, and the author of WORLD ENOUGH & TIME: ON CREATIVITY AND SLOWING DOWN, now in its eighth printing. She has edited four anthologies, including JO'S GIRLS: TOMBOY TALES OF HIGH ADVENTURE; THE ALPHABET OF THE TREES: A GUIDE TO NATURE WRITING; SPARKS FROM THE ANVIL: THE SMITH COLLEGE POETRY INTERVIEWS, and LEGAL TENDER: WOMEN & THE SECRET LIFE OF MONEY. Her newest book, IN PRAISE OF LISTENING, will come out this fall with Bauhan Publishing.
McEwen grew up in the Borders of Scotland, and came to the States on a Fulbright Scholarship. She currently lives in Williamsburg. MA. She has enjoyed residencies at MacDowell and Yaddo, as well as the Millay Colony, Hedgebrook, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and a number of other centers. In 2011, she received a grant in playwriting from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.