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Vox Vault

Support the lyrical arts!

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At Vox Vault, we are creating a collection of the best voices of our times, by means of studio recordings of the highest quality, which preserve the singers' voices at their best. 
Then we share those recordings with a large and young audience, so more adults and children can discover our great western lyrical singing tradition, they can know the names and faces of our singers, engage with this unique art form, and embrace it,  love it, and carry it within themselves throughout their lives.

For every project partly or fully funded by donations to Vox Vault, we will donate a number of CDs—up to 1000—to educational and charity institutions who work with children in communities without an easy exposure to lyrical singing, as a way to introduce our great cultural heritage to the future generations who may otherwise never learn about it.

With the generous support of the friends of the arts like yourself, the voices of our own times' most gifted performers will prevail over the passing of time. 

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