Will Kempe's Players Cooperative is currently offering our summer season of Shakespeare in repertory. We intend to continue touring northeastern New York State, bringing original practices Shakespeare to public parks, theaters, and community spaces in a way we feel is comprehensive and accessible – including ASL interpreted performances. We also intend to continue our offering of workshops, collaborations, and productions of contemporary theatre throughout the rest of the year.
“We know what we are, but not what we may be.” — Ophelia, Hamlet, Act IV, sc.5
Will Kempe’s Players is a member-owned and operated professional theatre cooperative. Our mission is to evolve Early Modern theatrical practice into the present through producing the works of William Shakespeare as well as those of contemporary artists, including our members. We both adapt and challenge the conventions of Shakespeare’s time to manifest theatre inspired by our changing needs and values. We invite you to participate in open public engagement that addresses the complexities of the world we live in. We are committed to reflecting, imagining, and reveling in our surroundings with everyone who wants to join in.
Learn More: http://www.willkempesplayers.com