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First Creatures

Inspiration and Moral Support for Lingering

Anna Clyne is So Hot Right Now

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  • $3,500 goal amount
  • 10 donations
  • 18 days left
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First Creatures provides inspiration and moral support for lingering through a podcast as well as concerts, events, and other kinds of gatherings in Richmond, Virginia which open up spaces for dwelling as a community. 

The podcast

The First Creatures podcast is for anyone who’s looking to develop their own capacity for stillness, contemplation, lingering, and the enjoyment of leisure. Hosted by Ellen Riccio, the podcast:

  • examines commonly held beliefs and attitudes which prevent or discourage us from lingering,
  • explores ideas and cultural traditions that offer new (to us) ways of viewing life, time, and each other,
  • discusses methods for encountering various art forms,
  • and offers practical suggestions for how to incorporate these values into a modern, busy life. 


The gatherings of First Creatures offer opportunities to practice and embody themes discussed in the podcast. Based in Richmond, Virginia, these events include concerts, dinners, and other kinds of gatherings which open up space for dwelling and lingering as a community. Events include:

Join the First Creatures mailing list here and follow on Instagram @firstcreatures. 

Your support

Almost all of the work of First Creatures is available to the public at no charge, meaning that we rely on donations to keep the lights on and the music playing (and the podcast running!). Here is what your donation will make possible: 

One-time donations:
  • $15 - one month of website hosting
  • $30 - one month of website hosting and P.O. box
  • $50 - sheet music for a So Hot Right Now series
  • $75 - keep our lights on for one month
  • $100 - print a round of flyers to hand out at events
  • $250 - hire one professional musician to give a free concert to the community
  • $500+ - become an official UnScene supporter

Monthly donors of at least $5 will receive:
  • A special shout out on the podcast,
  • Letters From Ellen: end-of-month emails with the inside scoop on current projects, what's coming up next, and the latest inspirations of Ellen Riccio, host of the podcast and founder of First Creatures,
  • an invitation to a special annual event,
  • and advance notification for all ticketed First Creatures events!

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