Rebel Town is a new American musical which tells the story of a young boy and his real life
involvement in one of the most infamous and misrepresented nights of protest in history.
As the tea crisis brews in 1773 Boston, the Sons & Daughters of Liberty are ready to take action
to prevent the unloading of 92,000 lbs of ill-taxed loose leaf tea. If British customs officers unload the tea from the ships, then profits on this “pernicious weed” would support the corrupt United East India Company: a massive (yet recently bankrupted) corporation forcing a monopoly on the sale of tea in the American Colonies. The corruption is further endorsed by a tyrannical and unethical ruling government in England under the passing of Parliament's Tea Act: a law which would allow such a monopoly to exist. In a single night of peaceful protest the revolutionaries take a stand for their rights while sending a message to King George III which reverberates through time and carries similar weight in today's world. Approximately 250 years later we celebrate the Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party
as a significant event which helped to ignite the American Revolution and has played a large role
in shaping our American identity today. At our heart, we are a nation of renegades, freedom-writers,
free-thinkers, & Rebels who will proudly protect and defend the pursuit of Liberty.